FAQ Family Stay

The length of stay is totally up to the tutor. However, we suggest a minimum stay of 1 month.

Of course some knowledge of Italian would be advantageous if you want to be totally independent and you plan to travel a lot, however it is not strictly necessary. Tutors come to Italy to help their host families improve their English therefore the less Italian they speak, the better it is!

No, there isn’t. As long as you are in good health and you have a big passion for Italy you are more than welcome to apply for it!

The tutor will have to pay for travel expenses. The host family only provides full board and accommodation when the turor is in Italy.

Applying for the programme is free. Contact Ozitaly and you will receive an application form to fill out.

Not at all. A TESOL/TEFL qualification would be advantageous but not strictly necessary. Usually tutors work on the host family’s speaking and listening skills.

You can be as creative and frugal with lesson plans as possible. There is no need to purchase extra materials.

Your host family will probably show you the nearby areas. You cannot have long breaks during your placement. You should only plan 1-2 weekend trips and should leave any major excursions for before or after your program.

Yes, you will choose the host family that suits you best based on your preferences and your needs.

It’s a great idea to bring a small gift with you for your host family. It would be nice to bring something that represents where you are from

OzItaly mainly operates in the Veneto region, however host families live in different parts of Italy.

No, you won’t be asked to do any housework while living with your host family. However it is essential that you keep your bedroom and the common areas tidy and clean, and you offer the family your help to manage their daily routine tasks.

When you are not teaching your host family English, you will have time to explore your new home and surrounding towns and cities. Try to make the most out of your OzItaly experience by appreciating every single detail of the Italian culture and lifestyle!

Eventhough we always try to fulfill your requests, we cannot guarantee placements in a specific city or region as the match with the host family is based on compatibility and availability.

Yes, you are welcome to travel at the weekends as long as it doesn’t interfere with your weekly timetable. The programme should be viewed as a cultural immersion programme first, therefore we ask that tutors are respectful of their host families. Host families should not be used as a “bed & breakfast”. Participate and engage with your family! Cook dinner together, watch football together, and accept any invitations to outings!

FAQ School Placement

When you are an OzItaly tutor, you teach English for 8 hours a week, usually evenly distributed throughout the week (in the morning). Note that they may be spaced out based on your class schedule, so you may be at your school more than 8 hours per week.

Once the placement is confirmerd, the school teachers will help you find resources, prepare your lessons plans, and get ready for your lessons.

Tipically, students aged 6 to 10 go to primary school, students aged 11 to 14 go to middle school, and students aged 14 to 18 go to high school.

No, you do not need any special qualifications. However, a TESOL/TEFL qualification would be advantageous but not strictly necessary.

No, but this program is a great way to start learning it! People hardly ever speak English in smaller towns so learning some basic Italian will help you meet locals.

The program is designed also for people who do not have a formal teaching qualification or teaching experience in a classroom environment. You will be working alongside an Italian co-teacher, assisting with English conversation skills. You will not be expected to lead a class on your own, but you will be asked to prepare and lead lessons or discussions with your students. If you have a background of other special skills or expertise, your school may also ask you to assist with those subjects.

Placement matches are made based on a variety of factors, including shared interests, needs and preferences of host families and teachers. Applicants must be flexible about their placement location. We cannot guarantee any type of school and we cannot accept location placement requests.

Nope! You’ll enter on the standard tourist visa, which allows you to stay in the country for up to 90 days. If you are aged 18 to 30, you are eligible to apply for a “Working Holiday Visa”, which allows you to live and work in Italy for up to one year.

Yes, you are welcome to travel at the weekends as long as it doesn’t interfere with your school schedule. The programme should be viewed as a teaching and cultural immersion program first. We ask that teachers are respectful of their schools and host families. Host families should not be used as a “bed & breakfast”. Families are voluntarily opening up their homes to the OzItaly tutors. Participate and engage with your family! Cook dinner together, watch football together, and accept any invitations to outings!


You only are required to speak English during the 8 hours of English lessons each week. The rest of the time, please feel free to practice speaking Italian as much as you want.

Outside of the 8 hours a week, the time is really yours to do what you like. Some people take language classes on their own, some explore the city on walking tours or visiting museums, some people write a blog or run an online business, some people spend it with their host family. It really depends on you and what you’re interested in experiencing while in Italy!